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Government falsely claims that stealing coin collections is managing websites to reward robbers

Indicating the rampant skills fraud, cheating, exploitatation, criminal defamation of hardworking honest citizens, the Goa government falsely claims that stealing coin collections is managing websites to give great powers, and monthly government salary to the robber
Google, tata, indian tech and internet companies, ntro, raw, cbi are extremely ruthless in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING, ROBBING hardworking single woman engineers and making FAKE CLAIMS about EXTORTIONISTS like panaji greedy goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who is only COOKING, CLEANING for husband CHEATER caro, working in security agencies, and making fake claims of computer work CHEATING, EXPLOITING the goa 1989 jee topper who is actually spending her time doing the computer work

The government is so vicious in CHEATING, EXPLOITING older single women in goa, that it is openly involved in encouraging CRIME against the goa 1989 topper by greedy goan frauds like robbers riddhi, siddhi, goan bhandari sunny
Other than stealing whatever she wishes from the goa 1989 jee topper like the coin collection, after criminally trespassing, which she displayed on her instagram account, there is no connection between the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer, domain investor and webmaster managing a large number of websites

yet indicating widespread labor law violations in the indian internet sector, the goa government falsely claims that stealing the coin collection of the domain investor is managing websites to give the greedy goan scammer sunaina great powers, monthly government salary