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Powerful brahmin ntro employee puneet, a pathological LIAR, FRAUD making fake claims about wordpress blogs

Powerful brahmin ntro employee puneet, a pathological LIAR, FRAUD making fake claims about wordpress blogs, his greedy goan bhandari sugar baby SCAMMER sunaina chodan, with no computer skills
Though the indian, state government is blindly believing the complete lies of Powerful brahmin ntro employee puneet, it can be legally proved that he is shameless pathological LIAR, FRAUD making fake claims about his greedy goan bhandari sugar baby SCAMMER sunaina chodan, scammer siddhi mandrekar with no computer, website management skills to get them great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATES, and whose life he has destroyed, committing the most terrible human rights abuses

The cunning cruel fraud brahmin cheater puneet is monitoring everything his btech 1993 ee classmate, harmless single woman engineer is doing, so that he can CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB her to the maximum extent possible to make his real girlfriends scammers sunaina, siddhi, richer and more powerful falsely claiming that the call girls, who do not spend any time and money, own the wordpress blogs

So this posted as a fraud alert so that people are aware that bengaluru brahmin cheater director puneet, is a pathological liar, openly involved in an online fraud since 2012, promoting his scammer sugar babies sunaina, siddhi, nayanshree, deepika, ruchika, naina, amita patel, at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate, the real domain investor who he HATES.