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Greedy goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sunaina chodan does not even know how to shut down a website

One of the best indications of the high levels of fraud in ntro, raw, cbi, goa government is how fake claims are made about Greedy goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sunaina chodan who actually does not even know how to shut down a website
The google, tata PIMPS, brahmin sugar daddies in ntro, raw, cbi, sunaina’s LIAR relatives pritesh chodankar were extremely shameless and aggressive in DUPING companies, countries and people with their lies, while criminally defaming the real webmaster in panaji, goa
Only in July 2020, after she was duped by stylofab , sunaina chodan posted a complaint online, in which she showed that she did not know how to shut down the website, yet government makes fake claims.