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Verna company advertising for wordpress developer for more than 1 week exposing goa government skills fraud, criminal defamation

A verna company has been advertising in the classified section of navhind times and herald for more than one week for a wordpress developer, digital marketing expert.
This exposes the goa government skills fraud, refusing to acknowledge the skills of webmasters who are installing and managing a large number of wordpress blogs including this one, criminally defaming them as idle, to get monthly salaries, great powers for sindhi scammer school dropouts, goan call girls, cheater, robber housewives and other frauds who have never managed any website anytime in their life.
This criminal defamation of wordpress developers by the intelligence and security agencies, some panaji politicians denying them a life of dignity shows the terrible business conditions in panaji, goa
In mumbai, people will acknowledge that a single woman engineer has much better computer, internet skills than others, only in goa the politicians, greedy government agencies are extremely vicious in criminally defaming, humiliating, cheating and exploiting experienced webmasters, domain investors, refusing to acknowledge their skills.
Anyone wishing to contact the webmaster managing 150+ wordpress blogs can contact on

India slips to 117 on social development goals due to brazen skills, financial fraud on on single older educated women professionals by government agencies

Indicating the worsening status of older single educated women professionals in India,India slips to 117 on social development indices due to brazen labor law violations, financial fraud on single older educated women professionals by government agencies
The government agencies allegedly bribed by google, tata, refuse to acknowledge the skills, investment, time spent by the single woman domain investor, engineer since 2010, instead falsely giving cheater housewives, cooking, cleaning, call girls, scammer students and other frauds credit, raw/cbi jobs and monthly salaries for the work done by the single woman engineer.
To cover up their skills fraud, they are belittle the engineer, falsely claiming that everyone has the computer, website management skills when most indian women have not accessed the internet in their life
Since the single woman professional is from a poorer community, there is no one to defend her against the complete lies of wealthy communities and powerful officials who are criminally defaming her, and then falsely claiming to own her bank account, domains,.

Local newspapers in Goa making very less money from their websites because goan society, government makes FAKE CLAIMS about EXTORTIONISTS like goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro

The local newspapers in goa, navhind times, herald and times of goa goa edition, depend on local advertisers to some extent
During the lockdown the number of advertisements in the newspapers has greatly reduced.
Usually there are atleast 3-4 classified columns for jobs, property in goa
Since May 9, 2021 when lockdown in panaji started the number of advertising columns has greatly reduced
The websites of the newspapers are also not designed to maximize their revenues, since their webmasters do not have much experience in website monetization
In goa experienced webmasters are criminally defamed in the worst manner, and the local intelligence and security agencies falsely claim goan call girls, sindhi scammer school dropouts, robber housewives and other frauds with no online income , are online experts to get them monthly government salaries
The domain investor is criminally defamed in the worst manner, yet her advertising revenues are fairly consistent since she has no local customers, almost no indian customers,
Specifically goan society, government makes FAKE CLAIMS about EXTORTIONISTS like greedy goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, the panaji pathological LIAR wife of top security agency employees crooked caro, fraud father nayak, who does no computer work at home, does not invest money in domains like other brahmin fraud nayanshree, goan scammers sunaina, siddhi, yet with the help of fraud companies like google, tata makes FAKE CLAIMS to get a monthly government salary

The goa government is aware that their favorite ROBBER riddhi is only COOKING, CLEANING for her husband crooked caro, yet fraud levels in goa government, society is so high, that the government is making fake claims about google, tata sponsored ROBBER riddhi to get the ROBBER great powers and monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor, who is criminally defamed by ROBBER riddhi and her fraud family father nayak, husband cheater caro

Government falsely claims that stealing coin collections is managing websites to reward robbers

Indicating the rampant skills fraud, cheating, exploitatation, criminal defamation of hardworking honest citizens, the Goa government falsely claims that stealing coin collections is managing websites to give great powers, and monthly government salary to the robber
Google, tata, indian tech and internet companies, ntro, raw, cbi are extremely ruthless in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, CRIMINALLY DEFAMING, ROBBING hardworking single woman engineers and making FAKE CLAIMS about EXTORTIONISTS like panaji greedy goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who is only COOKING, CLEANING for husband CHEATER caro, working in security agencies, and making fake claims of computer work CHEATING, EXPLOITING the goa 1989 jee topper who is actually spending her time doing the computer work

The government is so vicious in CHEATING, EXPLOITING older single women in goa, that it is openly involved in encouraging CRIME against the goa 1989 topper by greedy goan frauds like robbers riddhi, siddhi, goan bhandari sunny
Other than stealing whatever she wishes from the goa 1989 jee topper like the coin collection, after criminally trespassing, which she displayed on her instagram account, there is no connection between the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer, domain investor and webmaster managing a large number of websites

yet indicating widespread labor law violations in the indian internet sector, the goa government falsely claims that stealing the coin collection of the domain investor is managing websites to give the greedy goan scammer sunaina great powers, monthly government salary

Albertina Almeida should be aware of the great goa work at home, banking fraud,SKILLS FRAUD, labor law violations since 2012

The lawyer Albertina Almeida has written an article in Herald on how IT companies are exploiting their employees working at home, making them work for a longer time and reducing their business expenses.
However, she has not written about great goa work at home, banking fraud, labor law violations since 2012 where those who offer IT enabled services to customers outside India are falsely labelled a security threat without any proof by the scammer security agency employees like mandrekar, caro, nayak, pritesh chodankar, naik, denied their fundamental rights and subjected to human rights abuses without a legally valid reason.

Though the lazy greedy fraud relatives and associates of the security agencies, are not doing any computer work, in most cases, do not have a computer at home, indicating the extremely high levels of FINANCIAL FRAUD, labor law violations in panaji, goa, the goa government, security and intelligence agencies are falsely claiming that these lazy greedy frauds like greedy goan gsb housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, her lazy fraud sisters purvi, piyu, cousin teji, greedy goan scammer siddhi mandrekar, and bribe givers like sindhi scammer school dropout naina chand who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons jio employee nikhil, karan, who do not spend any time at all, and do not have the skills, own the paypal, bank account, domains including this one of the domain investor, a private citizen to get all the frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor

To cover up the BANKING FRAUD, the security and intelligence agency employees in panaji, goa are criminally defaming the domain investor, a hardworking older single woman engineer in the worst manner, after STEALING all her data in a case of CYBERCRIME, worse than ex-google engineer, Anthony Levandowski since 2012, making fake claims about the domains, and her bank account so that high status frauds get monthly raw/cbi salaries.

The greedy goa government employees are aware that the goan, sindhi raw/cbi employees are not even purchasing a computer to do work, they do not invest in domains, do not spend time managing websites or writing, yet for 9 years the government employees are making fake claims, while the single woman engineer actually doing computer work is criminally defamed in the worst manner, to deny her a life of dignity, ruin her reputation.

The government agencies are aware that the housewife raw/cbi employees are only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husband, the young people are studying or enjoying themselves, yet they continue to make fake claims to get all the high status frauds, great powers, monthly government salary without doing any kind of computer work, while the skilled older single woman actually working at home is criminally defamed as idle and having no income.

To ensure that no one can contact the domain investor in panaji, goa, her correspondence is diverted to the raw/cbi employees who are running a major EXTORTION RACKET, in panaji, goa. The indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata, jio show their complete lack of ethics, rewarding the BANKING FRAUDSTER raw/cbi employees since 2010 while harassing and criminally defaming the single woman.

Powerful brahmin ntro employee puneet, a pathological LIAR, FRAUD making fake claims about wordpress blogs

Powerful brahmin ntro employee puneet, a pathological LIAR, FRAUD making fake claims about wordpress blogs, his greedy goan bhandari sugar baby SCAMMER sunaina chodan, with no computer skills
Though the indian, state government is blindly believing the complete lies of Powerful brahmin ntro employee puneet, it can be legally proved that he is shameless pathological LIAR, FRAUD making fake claims about his greedy goan bhandari sugar baby SCAMMER sunaina chodan, scammer siddhi mandrekar with no computer, website management skills to get them great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATES, and whose life he has destroyed, committing the most terrible human rights abuses

The cunning cruel fraud brahmin cheater puneet is monitoring everything his btech 1993 ee classmate, harmless single woman engineer is doing, so that he can CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB her to the maximum extent possible to make his real girlfriends scammers sunaina, siddhi, richer and more powerful falsely claiming that the call girls, who do not spend any time and money, own the wordpress blogs

So this posted as a fraud alert so that people are aware that bengaluru brahmin cheater director puneet, is a pathological liar, openly involved in an online fraud since 2012, promoting his scammer sugar babies sunaina, siddhi, nayanshree, deepika, ruchika, naina, amita patel, at the expense of his btech 1993 ee classmate, the real domain investor who he HATES.

Hardworking older single women with computer skills, subjected to BANKING FRAUD by google, tata, indian tech, internet companies for 11 years

Indicating the high levels of FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian tech and internet sector, Hardworking older single women with computer skills, subjected to BANKING FRAUD by google, tata, indian tech, internet companies for 11 years with google, tata, indian tech and internet companies falsely claiming that high status lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do no computer work, own her paypal,bank acccount, domains to get all the fraudsters raw/cbi salaries

Usually in all other sectors, companies have the honesty and humanity to acknowledge the small business owner who is spending time doing work, actually investing money in the industry sector, Only in the indian internet sector, led by google,tata, jio, Liar top companies, officials are openly involved in a massive FINANCIAL FRAUD on a hardworking single woman, falsely claiming that panaji’s top sindhi scammer family, greedy goan, shivalli brahmin and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, do not do any work, own the bank account, domains including this one for the last 11 years

Since the indian tech and internet companies lack the honesty and humanity to end their fraud, this posted as a FRAUD ALERT so that people, countries and companies are aware that the indian internet sector is openly involved in a BANKING FRAUD on a single woman domain investor since 2010

NTRO favorite goan call girl sunaina does not install wordpress blogs, yet ntro, raw, cbi make fake claims

Though pathological LIAR FRAUD brahmin ntro employee puneet, j srinivasan have got their lazy greedy goan bhandari girlfriend call girl sunaina chodan a R&AW job falsely claiming that the panaji CALL GIRL who was not even born in 1989 to give 1989 jee was their btech 1993 ee classmate , domain investor and online expert, the google, tata sponsored call girl sunaina is not interested in doing any computer work, and does not invest money in domains.

Though ntro, raw, cbi have continued with the sex racket, financial fraud for 11 years, the ntro, raw, cbi employees refuse to pay a small amount and legally purchase the domains which they falsely claim to own, causing great losses to the real domain investor.

Since most of the domains do not have any advertising sold, the real domain investor (not the greedy gujju fraudster amita patel featured in moneycontrol), cheated, exploited by ntro, raw, cbi is facing great losses. Yet proving that ntro, raw, cbi employees are the greatest LIARS, FRAUDS, when the real domain investor installs a wordpress blog to cover the domain renewal expenses, the LIAR brahmin ntro employees puneet, j srinivasan starts DUPING people with FAKE STORIES of his goan bhandari girlfriend call girl sunaina chodan, when the brahmin fraud ntro employees are aware that their favorite panaji call girl does not pay for or control any domain though the goan, indian government is making fake claims

In panaji, goa, experienced webmasters falsely labelled a security threat

Though india today is ranking goa highly, the intelligence and security agencies are running a major EXTORTION RACKET, falsely labelling experienced webmasters a security threat and will make completely fake claims of skills if they are offered suitable BRIBES.
The incompetent security, intelligence agency employees are falsely linking the computer, online skills of a woman with her appearance, age, home condition, forgetting that the great panaji extortion racket makes it difficult to get the home repaired
Taking advantage of the fact that older single women professionals have no one to help or defend themselves, the greedy goa government employees are criminally defaming the experienced webmaster, in a major skills fraud, and falsely claiming that greedy goan frauds, sindhi scammers who do not spend any time, have no skills, are managing this and other websites.

Greedy goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro does no computer work, yet FAKES bank account

In goa greedy robber wives and daughters of top security agency employees like greedy goan gsb housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro are openly involved in BANKING FRAUD

one of the best indications of the fact that goa has the most dishonest security agency employees is how greedy robber wives and daughters of top security agency employees like greedy goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut are openly involved in BANKING FRAUD falsely claiming to own paypal, icici bank account of a single woman engineer who greedy ROBBER riddhi, her husband crooked caro, fraud father nayak HATE, criminally defame in the worst manner, and have never contacted
In the last 9 years, panaji’s greatest EXTORTIONIST greedy goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro was not interested in opening her own icici current account legally, she only wanted to cook and clean for her husband crooked caro,

Robber riddhi does not want to do any computer work. invest money in domains, manage websites, spending her time, yet being an extremely greedy and ruthless robber, extortionist robber riddhi, her fraud father nayak, husband cheater caro, are criminally defaming a hardworking single woman engineer and DUPING people, countries and companies that cbi employee ROBBER riddhi, a banking fraudster owns the bank account of the a private citizen

To cover up their BANKING, FINANCIAL FRAUD, labor law violations, panaji extortionist robber riddhi, her fraud father nayak, husband cheater caro are criminally defaming the single woman engineer, falsely linking her with various ntro/raw employees like puneet, vijay, j srinivasan when panaji top fraud family of robber riddhi , cheater caro, nayak are aware that that the ntro/raw employees HATE the domain investor, and have never contacted her anytime.

Since greedy goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro has been running her fraud for the last 9 years without being questioned, people should be aware that the greedy goan extortionist robber riddhi is a pathological liar and is now faking ownership of a icici bank current account, though she has not opened it and cannot use it.