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Author: admin

Greedy goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sunaina chodan does not even know how to shut down a website

One of the best indications of the high levels of fraud in ntro, raw, cbi, goa government is how fake claims are made about Greedy goan bhandari fraud R&AW employee sunaina chodan who actually does not even know how to shut down a website
The google, tata PIMPS, brahmin sugar daddies in ntro, raw, cbi, sunaina’s LIAR relatives pritesh chodankar were extremely shameless and aggressive in DUPING companies, countries and people with their lies, while criminally defaming the real webmaster in panaji, goa
Only in July 2020, after she was duped by stylofab , sunaina chodan posted a complaint online, in which she showed that she did not know how to shut down the website, yet government makes fake claims.

In R&AW extortion racket, skills fraud, R&AW falsely claims that its employees, call girls are managing websites including this one,

The mainstream media, television channels like newsnation, indiatv, republic tv, news24, tv9 is carrying news of the mumbai extortion racket, it refuses to carry any news of the raw/cbi extortion racket, skills fraud, since R&AW(like cbi) falsely claims that its employees, call girls are managing websites including this one, while criminally defaming the real webmaster, who is denied a life of dignity causing great financial losses

Though the raw/cbi employees are not managing any website, not investing in domains, in a major extortion racket, skills fraud, labor law violations, raw, cbi are falsely claiming that the goan call girls goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi supplied by google, tata to ntro, raw, cbi employees for sex, and other raw/cbi employees are owning and managing websites including this one, when they do not spend any money on domains, do not spend time managing the websites since they lack the skills

So instead of cash extortion, ntro, raw, cbi are involved in SKILLS, LABOR extortion to make fake claims about their lazy greedy fraud employees since 2010, to waste indian tax payer money paying all the well connected lazy greedy fraud employees monthly raw/cbi salaries and are supported by sundar pichai led google, tata, fraud indian tech, internet companies in the EXTORTION RACKET

Atleast in the case of the mumbai extortion racket, the people involved can openly complain, and mainstream media will cover the news, in case of the ntro, raw, cbi, extortion racket, though it is easily proved ( since raw/cbi falsely claim that their employees who do not spend any money, own this and other domains) , the mainstream media refuses to carry any news of the fraud which has continued since 2010, blindly believing the lies of ntro, raw, cbi

webmasters criminally defamed in India, especially goa, denied a life of dignity

The HDFC bank internet banking problems could be related to the fact, ntro, raw, cbi do not allow experienced webmasters to get any paid work in india at all, they are criminally defamed in the worst manner denying them a life of dignity. They are also denied their fundamental rights, with their correspondence stolen by robber raw/cbi employees like robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan who are falsely promoted as online experts, when they do not manage any website at all.
Additionally the indian and state government are also falsely claiming that the lazy greedy goan raw/cbi employees like sunaina chodan, who does not have a computer at home, is managing the websites with her fraud news, in a clear case of government skills fraud

LIAR BRIBE TAKING Greedy goa government employees making fake claims about panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan with no computer skills

Though india today is ranking goa highly, the intelligence and security agencies are shameless LIARS who will make completely fake claims about scammer school dropouts if they are offered suitable BRIBES.
For example LIAR BRIBE TAKING Greedy goa government employees are making fake claims about panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons karan, nikhil with no computer skills, no online investment falsely claiming that the scammer is a computer, online expert, owning this and other websites where the news of her endless frauds are posted
Panaji’s top shameless sindhi scammer naina chandan has no online income at all, has no computer skills, spends her time cooking, cleaning for her crooked xerox shop owning husband, scammer sons, chatting on her smartphone, yet because her fraud husband is the top BRIBE giver for greedy goa government employees, the goa government is making fake claims, duping companies, countries and people with its complete lies, while criminally defaming the real domain investor, webmaster.