get paid smses

Greedy goan bhandari cheater raw employee sunaina chodan FAKES online work with the help of romance scammer boyfriends

In all industry sectors workers are being paid for they do spending their time. Though they make millions of dollars in profit, top indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, are running one of the most brutal SLAVERY rackets, financial frauds on online investors, workers who they HATE, ROBBING their data to make fake claims about the lazy greedy real girlfriends of the top indian government employees to get them great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the online investor, worker who is making great losses.
Additionally the tech and internet companies are supporting the cunning cheater top government employees in their romance scams on female online investors, to rob the investors data and make fake claims about the lazy greedy liar real friends of the top government employees, who then get monthly government salaries only for making fake claims using robbed data.

The greedy goan bhandari CHEATER raw employee sunaina chodan does not even have a computer at home, does not do any computer work, yet because of the yet because of the romance fraud of her cheater husband, powerful boyfriends puneet, j srinivasan, she is getting credit, monthly government salary, for FAKING computer work, robbing the data of a single woman engineer, who her husband and boyfriends HATE in a case of SLAVERY

the indian government is also encouraging romance scammers blindly believing in all their lies about their real girlfriends after robbing the hardworking single woman engineer, online investor, to waste taxpayer money paying all the romance scammers girlfriends, associates a monthly government salary.